Moving China to act for bears
We’re getting closer to phasing out the bear bile industry in China
In a major step forward in our work to phase out the bear bile industry in China, we have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Development Research Center (DRC) – one of the China Central Government’s leading research institutes.
Through partnering with the DRC and signing this landmark agreement, we will carry out extensive research on the scale of the problem. This will include identifying ways to protect the bears, and investigating solutions to educate and enable people to transition away from the exploitation of bears.
The research will be conducted through a series of open forums and consultations, so that the process becomes an advocacy and public education process in itself.
This historic partnership between the DRC and World Animal Protection is a positive step towards protecting bears, and we are committed to phasing out the industry in China and beyond.
Ending the bear bile industry for good
We are working in Asia to create a lasting change that will help to protect bears, and free them from exploitation.
We are committed to keeping animals where they belong – in the wild. Read more about our work to end the bear bile industry.
This historic partnership between the DRC and World Animal Protection is a positive step towards protecting bears, and we are committed to phasing out the industry in China and beyond.