Cruel Vaquejada sport in Brazil - World Animal Protection

We’re urgently petitioning Brazil senators not to legalise animal cruelty


Tomorrow, Wednesday November 30, senators in Brazil will vote to allow some forms of animal abuse in the name of culture, including cruel ‘Vaquejada’ sport

Currently, the Brazilian Constitution forbids all practices that subject animals to cruelty.

However, if voted in, the constitutional amendment (PEC 50) will open exceptions to practices registered as an ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage’ in Brazil. This would include both rodeos and ‘Vaquejadas’, which cause tremendous suffering to the animals involved.

Please sign our urgent petition now to demand PEC 50 is not passed, and animals are not subjected to cruelty in the name of culture.

A brutal sport

Similar to bullfighting in Spain, Vaquejada is considered a cultural tradition, and is also inherently cruel.

Bulls are chased by men on horses, brutally pulled by their tails until they fall to the ground, subjecting the horses to stress and bulls to severe physical abuse. Bulls’ tails have several nerve endings, so pulling them causes extreme pain.

Some bulls even have their tails completely ripped off during Vaquejada.

Rosangela Ribeiro, our veterinary programmes manager in Brazil says: “Supporting the brutal torment of animals for entertainment deeply tarnishes the animal protection legislations we currently have in Brazil.

“Vaquejada is cruel and outdated and has no place in modern society; culture should stop where cruelty starts.”

Cruelty, not culture

Authors of the Constitutional amendment proposal claim that the Vaquejadas are an important tradition. However, the severe animal cruelty involved in sports such as Vaquejada is not justifiable by the idea of tradition.

If the amendment is approved, cruel activities involving animals will be carried without restraints. It could also be used to validate other activities that threaten the welfare of animals.

Sign the petition now to help stop the constitutional amendment, and please share it with your friends and family before senators in Brazil vote on Wednesday, November 30.

Vaquejada is cruel and outdated and has no place in modern society; culture should stop where cruelty starts.

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