Thank you for helping us protect millions of animals this year
Watch our brand new video and celebrate some of our proudest moments protecting animals in 2015.
From responding to pets affected by Cyclone Pam in south America to rescuing marine life trapped in fishing gear in the world's oceans, we’re proud to have been able to protect such an incredible number of animals this year. Without your support we wouldn't have been able to do it. Thank you.
Watch our video below to see some of the dogs, cows, pigs, seals, chickens, goats and other animals that we protected from cruelty and suffering this year.
Large-scale achievements for animals
We have achieved big wins for animals right up until the very end of the year. This week the world's largest food company, Nestlé, announced their commitment to using eggs from cage-free hens in the United States. It will be the first of many major announcements to come as we continue to work together.
Another big piece of news was declared last week – one that will improve the lives of millions of dogs. Global inter-governmental organisations, including the World Health Organisation (WHO), launched their framework to end dog-mediated rabies in humans by 2030 and, due to our integral role in the project, dog welfare will be a very high priority. Mass dog vaccination will be used to achieve the goal instead of the cruel dog culls that have been carried out for so long in an ill informed attempt to eradicate the disease.
We plan to protect even more animals next year. Join us in 2016 as we continue to move the world to end animal cruelty and suffering.
Without your support we wouldn't have been able to do it. Thank you.