Mohammed Shoagh pictured with his dog Bullet who has just been vaccinated against rabies.

Moving the world to protect animals in 2014


Thank you to all our supporters who made another incredible year for World Animal Protection possible!

Together we have moved the world to protect animals and we couldn’t have done it without you.

In 2014, through our tour operator ad, you have helped us educate over four hundred and seventy-three thousand people on the hidden cruelty behind elephant rides before they book - helping to keep wild animals in the wild. The success of our campaign has so far helped us convince 23 tour operators around the world to stop offering elephant rides altogether.

We protected one hundred and ninety thousand dogs from the cruel and senseless culling triggered by people’s fears of rabies. By working with governments, partners, and communities around the world, we were able to deliver comprehensive vaccination programs to give the dogs and their communities a rabies free future.

This year also marked the 50th anniversary of our work protecting animals caught in disasters. We’ve directly helped over three and a half million animals in two hundred and twenty seven disasters from Indonesia to Mexico, Myanmar and Japan. In the Philippines this year our work continued following the devastation of Typhoon Haiyan in 2013. With your support, we’ve now helped seventy thousand animals in the immediate response and long term recovery. As our teams spend their Christmases this year in Cabo Verde and the Philippines protecting animals, it is inspiring to look back at all they have achieved both in 2014 and over the past 50 years.  

2014 also saw the completion of Europe’s largest bear sanctuary in Romania, now a permanent home to 78 bears rescued from a lifetime of suffering.

Thank you so much for all your support this year. We couldn't have done any of this without you. Thank you for helping us move the world to protect animals!

Together we have moved the world to protect animals and we couldn't have done it without you.

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